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Welcome to My Store... The Perfect Place to Find Great Products

Here i will be selling things from Different Lands and Places! Ancient Temples, Pyrimids, Cities, you name it, we have somthing here from that place!

Mail In Youir Order To Rikesmith3d@aol.com , or Mail Kashante at MetalAnimaZero@aol.com ..... Either or, for rush service mail Rike!

Rikes Specialty Store!

*Priducts Of The World*

Organoid $ 250 000 - Any Zoid- Rules coming soon

Meteor Jet System $ 112 000- Berserk Fury- Gives ability to hover/move while charging and firing 3x CPC

Methrill Armor $ 244 000 -Any Zoid w/ heavy armor <panzer, gojuals, deathsourer, etc>- Makes extreamly tough and heavy armor Super Light and Even stronger than befor

Jager CAS $ 56 000-Liger Zero/Liger Zero X

Shnieder CAS $ 66 000- Liger Zero/Liger Zero X

Panzer CAS  $ 76 500- Liger Zero/ Liger Zero X

Killer Dome $ 100 000-Dark Spiner-Adds awesome abound of fire power to the back of the DS. Also has jet propelled firing claws, that return automatically.

Black Box $ 300 000- Requires an organoid-any zoid- Permenantly bonded organoid to ONE zoid

Untra Z $ 199 000- Any Zoid-No organoid- Same concept as black box, but removable... and Not as powerfull

My Name, Your Friendly Store Owner

Have a comment?
Send me an Email I'd love to hear from you! Rikesmith3d@aol.com, also.. confirm you purchase with anyone of the admins, Xeno, Me, Hiei, or Kashante. You can also just post it on the forum if its more convenient for you ! :-)

Getting Rich QuickFrom My Site!

Want a Job here? Lemme no, Rikesmith3d@aol.com