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Welcome to Mohz Zoids Rpg!

Hey everyone! Im Rike Smith, I Run/own the site along w/ the 2 people who made this all possible, kashante and hiei! I hope you enjoy the rpg, check the rulez page! l8az


10/18/03- Kashante @ 5:30 PM EST

Subject: Welcome

What up ya zoid pilots.The names Kashante,the other Webmaster,next to Master Rike.Most of the updates here will be from me,so get fimilar to tha name.Anyway,if yal have any questions,contact rike or IM me at MetalAnimaZERO or KashanteM or email me at


We are merging w/ WOS rpg run by xeno... Or just becoming sister sites, this hopfully will be a turn for the best, if not we will have to sever ties :-P lol.


if you wanna apply here mail me or im me,

Our Topsite list ^ ^ ^ Register your site from 2 on

Our Forum ^^^ Where all the fun takes place, be sure to register!


The Forum is where all the fun takes place! It has zoids bios, tournaments, info, and is updated almost by the Hour..... <On a good day> lol....... Hiei and Kashante Run the boards, IF you join the rpg by e-mail, You must also go to the forum and register. Put all you info in Your signiture that u filled out on the rules page!!

If You do not have a means of Instant messages, you CAN battle on the forum.

The forum contains info such as shops, training, and zoids bios! So, u can view it there also!


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There will be Tournys held through out the year, Mohz rpg so far has abuot 10 members, once we have 20... we will hold another one... caled,

The G.O.D.O.S TOURNY 2 !

With outstanding prizes, you cant afford to miss!

Rikes Banner

This is my old banner that i made with paint. My new one has an empirial insigma over the my name! its really hot, i hope to get it up here soon!


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