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The Young Legends

This will be a fan fiction by me, Rike Smith... It will be about a bunch of friends who find their way into zoids battles. Ralph, Jon, Nick, Mike, and another boy named Mike, <once will be called by their full name>. Later on i will come into the story, w/ my alter ego, Malph Smith... even Though Ralph will also be me, <but u wont no that.. SSSSsssshhhhh!!!! > lol


Im just brainstorming, and killin time untill i add pics of zoids and such, or start my fan fic....


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Hey, if you have a fan fiction that you would like to add, just mail me at or im me, send me ur writtings, and ill decide wheather they have what is needed to be on our fan fiction page ! If You wish to be a permanent author, you will have a  page of  you own for all your literary wonders... Your Fan Ficiton does not have to be about Zoids, Just try to keep it on he topic of anime, ...


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